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方法與技術-神經(jīng)科學百科全書-下-6 版權信息
- ISBN:9787030280848
- 條形碼:9787030280848 ; 978-7-03-028084-8
- 裝幀:暫無
- 冊數(shù):暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
方法與技術-神經(jīng)科學百科全書-下-6 本書特色
《神經(jīng)科學百科全書6:方法與技術(下)(影印版·導讀版)》:《神經(jīng)科學百科全書》原書篇幅巨大,為所有神經(jīng)科學百科全書之首。由來自世界各地的2400多位專家撰稿人合力打造,覆蓋了神經(jīng)科學全部主要領域。書中每個詞條在收入書中之前均經(jīng)過顧問委員會的同行評議。詞條中均含有詞匯表、引言、參考文獻和豐富的交叉參考內(nèi)容。主編為著名神經(jīng)科學家、美國神經(jīng)科學學會前主席Larry R.Squire。內(nèi)容平易,本科生即可讀懂。深度和廣度獨一無二,足可滿足專家學者的需要。導讀版精選原書中的部分主題,按內(nèi)容重新編排,更適合國內(nèi)讀者購買和閱讀。
方法與技術-神經(jīng)科學百科全書-下-6 內(nèi)容簡介
方法與技術-神經(jīng)科學百科全書-下-6 目錄
aging: brain potential measures and reaction time studies
auditory evoked potentials
deep brain stimulation
electroencephalography (eeg)
electromyography (emg) and nerve conduction studies
electrophysiology: eeg and erpanalysis
event-related potentials (erps)
event-related potentials (erps) and cognitive processing
evoked potentials: clinical
evoked potentials: recording methods
executive function and higher-order cognition: eeg studies
glial glutamate transporters: electrophysiology
方法與技術-神經(jīng)科學百科全書-下-6 節(jié)選
方法與技術-神經(jīng)科學百科全書-下-6 相關資料
插圖:Normal aging affects brain functions in a variety ofways. Some regions, such as prefrontal cortex, medialtemporal lobe, and neuromodulatory systems (cholin-ergic, noradrenergic, and serotonergic), show markedage-related changes, whereas other regions, such asprimary sensory and motor regions, show compara-tively little change during normal aging. Age-relatedchanges in memory function are also selective, whichis related to regional differences in the impact of brainaging. In general, age-related declines are most evi-dent in certain types of explicit memory tasks thatrequire conscious retrieval of remembered informa-tion, but they are small or absent for many implicitmemory tasks. For example, episodic memory is onetype of explicit memory, and it is defined as memoryfor specific events and their context, such as remem-bering what one did last weekend. In contrast,implicit memory can be expressed even if a persondoes not consciously remember a specific learningepisode or cannot articulate what was learned. Anexample of implicit memory is the gradual develop-ment of proficiency in various kinds of motor skills,such as riding a bicycle. Because the adverse effects ofaging are most evident for explicit memory, this arti-cle focuses on event-related potential (ERP) and elec-troencephalogram (EEG) findings while subjectsperform explicit memory tasks. For most studies ofhuman aging, the comparison group of young sub-jects consists of young adult college students, typi-cally between the ages of 18 and 25 years. Dependingon the study, older subjects can range in age from the60s, termed 'young-old,' to older than 90years,termed the 'oldest-old.'
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