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��(d��ng)�Ҹ������T ���`�u�����x(����)

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�_���� 16�_ 퓔�(sh��)�� 253
�� �D �r:¥9.2(2.8��) ���r  ¥32.8 ��䛺�ɿ������T�r

��(d��ng)�Ҹ������T ���`�u�����x(����) ���(qu��n)��Ϣ

  • ISBN��9787511012432
  • �l�δa��9787511012432 ; 978-7-5110-1243-2
  • �b����һ���z�漈
  • �Ԕ�(sh��)�����o
  • ���������o
  • ���ٷ��>>

��(d��ng)�Ҹ������T ���`�u�����x(����) ������ɫ

���������ص���Ӣ�Z����(y��u)���^�����g�����҂��ṩ�o��������H��һƪƪ����������������һ�δ�Ӣ�Zˮƽ�������� ������������Ӣ���p�ZΨ���汾���ɹ�ÿһ��x����x���W(xu��)��(x��)������ÿ���������~�Rע�������y�������߀�xȡ���m�ϱ��b�ľ��ӷ����x��һ�ښⱳ�b�� �����҂����x��18�׽�(j��ng)��Ӣ�ĸ�����׌�x���ڌW(xu��)��(x��)֮������p��һ�¡�

��(d��ng)�Ҹ������T ���`�u�����x(����) ��(n��i)�ݺ���


��(d��ng)�Ҹ������T ���`�u�����x(����) Ŀ�

**�� ���������҂�*�Ҹ��r
1 in life we are happiest when�� �����У��҂�*�Ҹ��r���� 
2 our love is simple as a song �҂��Đۺ������ 
3 love is just a thread ����z�� 
4 yesterday once more ׷����ˮ���A
��track 01 when you believe��ֻҪ������ţ�  
5 flower at the mountain cliff �����ϵĻ��� 
6 life together ����һ�� 
7 the silent guardian ĬĬ�����o(h��)�� 
8 ole and trufa ��Ƭ���~�Đ���
9 one true love �����Đ� 
10 detour to romance ����·�������� 
11 the measure of love �۟oֹ��
12 soul mates really exist ������ӡ�İ�H
��track 02 hey jude �������õ£�
�ڶ��� ��(d��ng)�Ҹ������T
13 happiness is a journey �Ҹ��Ƕ��ó�
14 happiness is better �Ҹ��옷�ͺ�
15 make way for others�� happiness �o�e�˵��Ҹ�׌��
��track 03 unchained melody�����ŵ����ɣ�
16 bring happiness home ���옷�ؼ�
��track 04 yellow���Sɫ��
17 happy hours �Ҹ��r�� 
18 what you see is what you get ��õ��ľ������뵽��
19 the standard of felicity �Ҹ��Ĝ�(zh��n)�t 
20 cultivate happiness �Ҹ��ă�(n��i)�Ķ��� 
21 the source of happiness �Ҹ�֮Դ 
��track 05 my heart will go on and on���������f��  
������ �϶���Ļؑ�
22 the best nourishment of life ������*�õ��B(y��ng)��
23 a good heart to lean on ���Ŀ��� 
24 a father��s love ����ĸ���
25 build me a son �����ҵă��� 
��track 06 my love���ҵĐۣ�
26 lord chesterfield �� to his son ��˹�طƠ��„׾��o���ӵ�һ����
27 who will be your angel�� ��ġ����o(h��)��ʹ�����l��
28 the dress һ���B��ȹ 
29 prayer for my mother ��ĸ�H���\ 
��track 07 reality���挍(sh��)��
30 the remembrance of lilacs �϶���Ļؑ� 
31 mother��s love is priceless ĸ�۟o�r
���ľ� �҂������Գɞ���ʹ
32 we all can become angels �҂������Գɞ���ʹ 
33 sand and stone ɳ��ʯ
��track 08 when a child is born����(d��ng)�����Q���r��
34 the subtlety ����
��track 09 i believe i can fly�������������w�裩
35 a forever friend ���h(yu��n)������
��track 10 you raise me up����������ң�
36 choice of companions ����
37 on friendship Փ���x 
��track 11 auld lang syne�����x�ؾ����L��  
38 the silence of male��s friendship �����g�o•�����x
��track 12 it��s my life���@���ҵ�������  
39 the flower of friendship ���x֮��
����� ꖹ⿂���L(f��ng)���
40 turn your face to the sun �泯̫� 
41 attitude is everything �B(t��i)�țQ��һ�� 
��track 13 carry on till tomorrow����(ji��n)�ֵ����죩
42 my life is over �ҵ���������
43 the splashes of life �����IJ��y
��track 14 born to run��������ע��������  
44 how can i love the job i have�� �{(di��o)���đB(t��i)�����Ĺ���
45 the power of mind �đB(t��i)������
46 clear your mental space �������`�Ŀ��g 
47 ��there�� is no better than ��here�� �˰��o�M�^��֪��ų��� 
48 storms always give way to the sun ꖹ⿂���L(f��ng)��� 
49 you have only one life ����ֻ��һ�� 
��track 15 everybody hurts�����˶��܂���  
������ �������a(b��)��
50 the daffodil principle ˮ�ɻ����t 
51 the patch of life �������a(b��)�� 
��track 16 like a rolling stone�������˝h��
52 i will run to the goal ��Ҫ����K�c(di��n) 
53 if the dream is big enough �������еĉ���
54 a ball to roll around �L��
55 a lesson of life �����һ�n
56 the road not taken δ�x���·
��track 17 sailing�����ں��У�
57 a psalm of life �����Y� 
58 don��t look back ��e�^ȥ
59 if i had my life to live over ���ٻ�һ����һ�Ќ�����ͬ 
60 struggle �^�� 
��track 18 never had a dream come true���Љ������ϣ����

��(d��ng)�Ҹ������T ���`�u�����x(����) ���ߺ���

