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有聲雙語經(jīng)典:王子與貧兒 版權(quán)信息

  • ISBN:9787544785198
  • 條形碼:9787544785198 ; 978-7-5447-8519-8
  • 裝幀:一般純質(zhì)紙
  • 冊數(shù):暫無
  • 重量:暫無
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有聲雙語經(jīng)典:王子與貧兒 本書特色

譯林“有聲雙語經(jīng)典”原版引進美國教育專家特為學生編寫的英語名著,精選貼近中國學生英語習得水平的經(jīng)典作品。叢書甄選優(yōu)質(zhì)中文譯本,配以導讀、作家作品簡介和插圖,并聘請資深高考聽力卷主播朗讀英語有聲書。有聲書播放平臺操作便捷,只需掃描書中二維碼,即可收聽。叢書選目涵蓋各國經(jīng)典文學作品,讓孩子在閱讀中提高文學鑒賞能力和英語聽讀能力。著名兒童文學作家黃蓓佳長文導讀推薦。 《王子與貧兒》是美國作家馬克??吐溫創(chuàng)作的一部歷史小說,出版于1881年。故事背景設(shè)定于1547年的倫敦,主人公為生于貧民窟的湯姆??坎蒂,以及英格蘭國王亨利八世的兒子愛德華??都鐸。兩個男孩在同一天出生,外貌也離奇地相似,他們在機緣巧合之下互換了身份,體驗了彼此不同的人生。兩個外貌一樣的人,進入彼此天差地別的生活,決定命運的是外在環(huán)境還是內(nèi)在心靈?這部作品探討的善惡主題時至今日仍然引人深思!锻踝优c貧兒》是馬克??吐溫寫給兩個女兒的作品,出版以來已成為兒童文學的經(jīng)典之作。

有聲雙語經(jīng)典:王子與貧兒 內(nèi)容簡介


有聲雙語經(jīng)典:王子與貧兒 目錄

第1章 王子與貧兒的誕生
第2章 湯姆與王子的會面
第3章 王子開始遭難
第4章 湯姆當上王子
第5章 受困的王子
第6章 王子和他的救星
第7章 “老王駕崩——新王萬歲!”
第8章 瘋子一世
第9章 王子成了囚犯
第10章 湯姆的進步
第11章 國王愛德華

CHAPTER 1 The Birth of the Prince and the Pauper
CHAPTER 2 Tom’s Meeting with the Prince
CHAPTER 3 The Prince’s Troubles Begin
CHAPTER 4 Tom as a Prince
CHAPTER 5 The Trapped Prince
CHAPTER 6 The Prince and His Deliverer
CHAPTER 7 “The King Is Dead—Long Live the King!”
CHAPTER 8 Foo-foo the First
CHAPTER 9 Down by Law
CHAPTER 10 Tom’s Progress
CHAPTER 11 Edward as King

有聲雙語經(jīng)典:王子與貧兒 節(jié)選

前言 我要講述一個聽來的故事。講這故事的人是從他父親那兒聽來的,他的父親又是從“他的”父親那兒聽來的,這位父親的父親還是一樣,也是從“他的”父親那兒聽來的——一代又一代向前追溯,直到三百多年以前。那時候的父親們把這故事講給他們的兒子們聽,于是,這故事就得以流傳。這故事也許是史實,也許只是傳說;也許發(fā)生過,也許沒有發(fā)生過:但它有可能發(fā)生過。 ——作者 第1章 王子與貧兒的誕生 在古老的倫敦城里,十六世紀第二個二十五年中的一個秋天,一個小男孩出生在一戶姓坎蒂的貧窮人家,這家人并不歡迎這個孩子。就在同一天,在姓都鐸的大富之家,另一個英國男孩也出生了,這家人可非常歡迎他。全英國都很歡迎他。人們對這個男孩的降生都期待已久了,對他寄予厚望,向上帝禱告他的誕生。現(xiàn)在,他來到了這個世界,人們歡天喜地地為他慶祝。整個英國,上自達官顯貴,下至平民百姓,所有人都放了假,日日夜夜舉行宴會,載歌載舞。白天,倫敦城好看極了。家家戶戶的陽臺和屋頂都飄舞著彩旗,華麗的游行隊伍在街上穿行。到了夜間,盛況依舊,每個角落都燃起篝火,人們成群結(jié)隊,圍著篝火狂歡作樂。整個英國現(xiàn)在只有一個話題,那就是這個剛出生的孩子——愛德華??都鐸,威爾士親王。他正躺在綢緞制成的襁褓里。至于湯姆??坎蒂,他被包裹在破布片兒里,除了他那貧窮的家人,沒有人談起過他。而他的出生對這家人來說就是個麻煩。 我們跳過幾年,講講以后的事情。倫敦城已有一千五百年的歷史了,對于那個時代來說,它是座偉大的城市。這里的街道狹窄、彎曲、骯臟,尤其是湯姆?? 坎蒂居住的地方。他住在倫敦橋附近,那一帶的房子是木頭建造的,二樓的地板延伸到一樓的墻壁之外,三樓的建筑更是旁逸斜出。狹小的窗戶嵌著菱形玻璃,像門一樣裝著鉸鏈,朝外開著。湯姆父親的住所在布丁巷外一個骯臟的死胡同里,那兒被稱作垃圾大院。狹窄破舊的院子里住滿了貧窮破落的 家庭。坎蒂一家住在三樓的一間房子里。父親和母親在角落里有一張不像樣的破床;而湯姆和他的奶奶,還有他的兩個姐姐貝特和南,只能在地板上找地方睡。他們有一兩條破舊不堪的毯子,幾捆舊稻草,勉強可以算是“床鋪”。早晨,這些東西被踢成一堆;到了晚上,又被拉出來使用。貝特和南是一對十五歲的雙胞胎姐妹。她們心地善良,但是模樣臟兮兮的,穿得破破爛爛,沒受過教育。她們的母親也是這樣的人?墒牵赣H和奶奶卻是一對魔鬼。他們只要有機會就喝得酩酊大醉,然后互相打架,如果誰擋了他們的道兒,也會挨一頓揍。他們總是罵罵咧咧的。約翰??坎蒂是一個小偷,他的母親是一個乞丐。他們把孩子們都教成了叫花子,但沒能把他們訓練成小偷。附近的鄰居里有一位善良的老神父,他常常把孩子們叫過去,私下教他們一些正當?shù)牡览。安德魯神父還教會湯姆一些拉丁文,還有讀書寫字。整個垃圾大院的情況和坎蒂一家差不多,日日夜夜都有人酗酒、打斗。但小湯姆并沒有因此不開心。他的日子過得很苦,可他并不自知。垃圾大院里的男孩們過的都是這樣的生活,因此,他便以為一切都是理所當然的。當他乞討了一天,兩手空空回到家的時候,他知道父親會咒罵他、鞭打他。等父親發(fā)泄完了,奶奶又會重來一遍。夜深人靜的時候,忍饑挨餓的母親會把自己省下來的一口食物給湯姆吃。夏天,湯姆的乞討所得只能填飽自己的肚子,因為禁止乞討的法律很嚴格,刑罰也很沉重。于是他便有很多時間去聽善良的安德魯神父講那些有趣的傳奇故事,關(guān)于巨人、仙女、矮人、精靈和神秘的城堡,還有賢明的國王和王子。他的腦袋里裝滿了這些精彩的故事,在許多個夜晚,他又累又餓地躺在草鋪上,忍著鞭打留下的疼痛,讓自己進入天馬行空的想象世界。他在腦海中想象自己變成了王子,王宮里的生活幸福極了,不一會兒他便忘記了疼痛。有一個念頭在他的腦海里日日夜夜揮之不去——他想親眼見一見真正的王子。湯姆曾經(jīng)跟垃圾大院里的幾個伙伴說起這個愿望,但他遭到了狠狠的嘲笑和挖苦。從那以后,他便把這個夢想深埋在自己心中。湯姆照例每天穿著破爛的衣服出門乞討。他討到的錢財很少,吃少得可憐的面包屑,一如既往地遭受虐待。到了晚上,他睡在那一小片稻草墊子上,繼續(xù)做那場宏大的美夢。他想親眼見一見真正的王子,哪怕只看一眼,這個愿望在他心中越發(fā)強烈。一天又一天,一個禮拜又一個禮拜,*終,他心里其他的愿望都被吸走了,這成了他生命中唯一的愿望。一月的一個雨天,湯姆又去乞討了。他步伐沉重,光著腳走了好幾個小時,覺得冷極了。他向商店的櫥窗里張望,很想吃一塊豬肉餡餅,還有里面陳列的其他食物——他認為那些食物是專為天使準備的——他是根據(jù)氣味猜測 的,因為他從來不曾幸運地享用過那些美味。 那天晚上,湯姆渾身濕漉漉地回到家,又累又餓,就連爸爸和奶奶看到他的樣子,也不能不表示同情——用他們獨特的方式。于是他們立即揍了湯姆一頓,叫他去睡覺。有好一陣工夫,湯姆又痛又餓,樓里的咒罵聲和打斗聲不絕于耳,讓他難以入眠。不過,后來他的思緒飄蕩到了遙遠浪漫的地方,接著他便墜入夢鄉(xiāng)。在夢中,他同一些披金戴銀的王子們?yōu)榘,仆人們向他們鞠躬行禮,或是跑來跑去執(zhí)行他們的命令。一如既往,他夢見他是一位王子。然而,清晨醒來的時候,當他看清自己悲慘的境遇, 夜晚的美夢便如往常一般,使得他所處的貧困環(huán)境顯得更糟糕了。他感到痛苦、傷心,流下了眼淚。 CHAPTER 1 The Birth of the Prince and the Pauper In the ancient city of London, on a certain fall day in the second quarter of the sixteenth century, a boy was born to a poor family of the name of Canty, who did not want him. On the same day another English child was born to a rich family of the name of Tudor, who did want him. All England wanted him too. England had so longed for him, and hoped for him, and prayed God for him, that, now that he was really come, the people went nearly mad for joy. Everybody took a holiday, and high and low, rich and poor, feasted and danced and sang; and they kept this up for days and nights together. By day, London was a sight to see, with bright banners waving from every balcony and house-top, and splendid parades. By night, it was again a sight to see, with its great bonfires at every corner, and its troops making merry around them. There was no talk in all England but of the new baby, Edward Tudor, Prince of Wales, who lay covered in silks and satins. But there was no talk about the other baby, Tom Canty, covered in his poor rags, except among the family of paupers whom he had just come to trouble with his presence. Let us skip a number of years. London was fifteen hundred years old, and was a great town—for that day. The streets were narrow, and crooked, and dirty, especially in the part where Tom Canty lived, which was not far from London Bridge. The houses were of wood, with the second story reaching out over the first, and the third sticking its elbows out beyond the second. The windows were small, with little diamond-shaped panes, and they opened outward, on hinges, like doors. The house which Tom’s father lived in was up a foul little pocket called Offal Court, off Pudding Lane. It was small and rickety, but it was packed full of very poor families. Canty’s tribe occupied a room on the third floor. The mother and father had a sort of bed in the corner; but Tom, his grandmother, and his two sisters, Bet and Nan, had all the floor to themselves, and might sleep where they chose. There were the remains of a blanket or two, and some bundles of old straw, but these could not rightly be called beds; they were kicked into a general pile, mornings, and selections made from the mass at night. Bet and Nan were fifteen years old—twins. They were good-hearted girls, unclean, clothed in rags, and ignorant. Their mother was like them. But the father and grandmother were a couple of fiends. They got drunk whenever they could; then they fought each other or anybody else who came in the way; they cursed and swore always; John Canty was a thief, and his mother, a beggar. They made beggars of the children, but failed to make thieves of them. Among the people that inhabited the house was a good old priest, and he used to get the children aside and teach them right ways secretly. Father Andrew also taught Tom a little Latin, and how to read and write. All Offal Court was just such another hive as Canty’s house. Drunkenness and brawling were the order every night and nearly all night long. Yet little Tom was not unhappy. He had a hard time of it, but did not know it. It was the sort of time all the Offal Court boys had, therefore he supposed it was the correct and comfortable thing. When he came home empty-handed at night after a day of begging, he knew his father would curse him and thrash him, and that when he was done the grandmother would do it all over again; and that in the night his starving mother would slip to him any scrap or crust she had been able to save for him. In summer, Tom only begged just enough to save himself, for the laws against begging were harsh, and the penalties heavy; so he put in a good deal of his time listening to good Father Andrew’s charming old tales and legends about giants and fairies, dwarfs, genii, and enchanted castles, and gorgeous kings and princes. His head grew to be full of these wonderful things, and many a night as he lay in the dark on his straw, tired, hungry, smarting from a thrashing, he let go his imagination and soon forgot his aches in picturings to himself of the charmed life of a prince in a palace. One desire came to haunt him day and night; it was to see a real prince, with his own eyes. He spoke of it once to some of his Offal Court comrades; but they jeered him and scoffed at him so much that he kept his dream to himself after that. Each day he would go forth in his rags and beg a few farthings, eat his poor crust, take his customary abuse, and then stretch himself upon his handful of straw, and begin again his grand dreams. His desire to look just once upon a real prince, in the flesh, grew upon him, day by day, and week by week, until at last it absorbed all other desires, and became the one passion of his life. One rainy January day, on his usual begging tour, he tramped up and down, hour after hour, barefooted and cold, looking in at shop windows and longing for the pork-pies and other items displayed there—for to him these were foods fit for the angels; that is, judging by the smell, they were—for it had never been his good luck to own and eat one. That night Tom reached home so wet and tired and hungry that it was not possible for his father and grandmother to see his condition and not be moved— after their fashion; so they gave him a beating at once and sent him to bed. For a long time his pain and hunger, and the swearing and the fighting going on in the building, kept him awake; but at last his thoughts drifted away to far, romantic lands, and he fell asleep in the company of jewelled and gilded princelings who lived in great palaces, and had servants bowing before them or flying to carry out their orders. And then, as usual, he dreamed he was a princeling himself. But when he awoke in the morning and looked upon the wretchedness about him, his dream had its usual effect—it made worse the poverty of his surroundings. Then came bitterness, and heartbreak, and tears.

有聲雙語經(jīng)典:王子與貧兒 作者簡介

