多模態(tài)語篇的連貫構建研究-以中國英語學習廣告為例-(英文版) 版權信息
- ISBN:9787313208293
- 條形碼:9787313208293 ; 978-7-313-20829-3
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>
多模態(tài)語篇的連貫構建研究-以中國英語學習廣告為例-(英文版) 本書特色
多模態(tài)語篇的連貫構建研究-以中國英語學習廣告為例-(英文版) 內容簡介
多模態(tài)語篇的連貫構建研究-以中國英語學習廣告為例-(英文版) 目錄
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research motivation
1.2 Research rationale
1.3 Aims and research questions
1.4 English learning advertisements in China
1.5 Organization of the book
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Coherence
2.2 Multimodality
2.3 Summary
Chapter 3 Research Des ign
3.1 Analytical framework of coherence construction in multimodal discourses
3.2 Data
3.3 Research framework
3.4 Research methods
Chapter 4 Global Coherence in the Engl ish Learning Advertisements
4.1 A working definition and model of global coherence in the English learning advertisements
4.2 Identifying topics and points of various levels in the English learning advertisements
4.3 Patterns of global coherence across the stages of the English learning advertisements
4.4 Conclusion of this chapter
Chapter 5 Local Coherence in the Engl ish Learnin.cl Advertisements
5.1 Working definition and principle of local coherence in multimodal discourses
5.2 Local coherence patterns and the differentiation among the stages in the English learning advertisements
5.3 Analysis of local coherence patterns across the stages of the English learning advertisements
5.4 Conclusion of this chapter
Chapter 6 Surface Cohesion in the Engl ish Learning Advertisements
6.1 A working definition of surface cohesion in multimodal discourses
6.2 A working framework of surface cohesion in complex multimodal discourses
6.3 Semiotic analysis of surface cohesion in the English learning advertisements
6.4 Conclusion of this chapter
Chapter 7 Reader Reaction tO the Coherence Resources in the Enql ish Learning Advertisements
7.1 Eye-tracking experiment on the coherence construction in the English learning advertisements
7.2 The memory recognition test
7.3 The evaluation investigation
7.4 General discussion and conclusion
Chapter 8 Conclusion
8.1 Summary of research outcomes
8.2 Implications and contributions
8.3 Limitations and future directions
多模態(tài)語篇的連貫構建研究-以中國英語學習廣告為例-(英文版) 作者簡介
孟艷麗(1982一 ),女,生于河南孟津,副教授,碩士生導師,2011年于北京大學獲語言學博士學位,現任職于中國科學院大學外語系,研究方向為系統(tǒng)功能語言學、社會語言學。曾榮獲北京市研究生英語教學研究會青年教師基本功大賽一等獎,發(fā)表論文二十余篇,主持校級項目兩項,主持教育部人文社科項目“中國英語教育話語中的意識形態(tài)傳播機制研究”。